What is this website about?

This website is a comprehensive database of top AI developers and projects.

How is the data collected?

We filter and aggregate data from GitHub, focusing exclusively on AI-related projects and developers.

What kind of information can I find here?

You can find details on AI developers, their projects, repositories and other relevant information related to artificial intelligence development.

Is this information up-to-date?

We regularly update our database to ensure the most current information is available.

How can I search for specific AI projects or developers?

You can use our search function to look for specific projects, developers, or technologies. We also offer various filters to narrow down your search.

Are all projects listed here open-source?

While many projects are open-source, we include both open-source and proprietary projects in our database.

Can I contribute to the database or suggest additions?

Yes, you can email us your recommendations. We're also developing features to make user contributions easier in the future.

How do you ensure the quality of the listed projects and developers?

We primarily use GitHub's star count as a quality metric. Additionally, we employ our own algorithms to help you filter and find high-quality projects and developers more effectively.

Is there a way to track or follow specific developers or projects?

Absolutely. Use the save feature to follow specific developers or projects. You can find your saved list on your profile page.

Do you provide any analytics or insights based on the data?

Yes, we offer insights through multiple channels:

  • Graph Section: Visual representations of current AI trends.
  • Report Section: Upcoming detailed industry reports. Sign up to receive these when available.
  • Custom Solutions: We provide bespoke data analytics and reporting services tailored to your specific needs.

For custom reports or analytical services, please contact us at [email protected].

Is this service free to use? Are there any premium features?

Most features are free to use. Premium features include advanced filters and detailed reports.

How can I contact you if I have questions or feedback?

Please email us at [email protected]. We welcome your questions and feedback.

Basic Concepts for Newcomers

If you are not familiar with open source and tech community, we can help you go through the basic concepts:

What is open source and why is it important?

Open source refers to software whose source code is freely available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This promotes collaboration, transparency, and innovation in software development. Open source fosters innovation, improves software quality through community review, reduces costs, and promotes knowledge sharing in the tech community.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts code repositories. It's widely used by developers to store, manage, and collaborate on software projects.

What's a repository?

A repository, or "repo," is a storage location for a project. It contains all the project files and stores each file's revision history.

What does "star count" mean on GitHub?

Stars on GitHub are like bookmarks or likes. Users star a repository to show appreciation or to save it for later reference. A high star count often indicates a popular or valuable project.

What is an AI developer?

An AI developer is a programmer who specializes in creating artificial intelligence systems, including machine learning models, neural networks, and other AI-related technologies.

How does open source contribute to AI development?

Open source allows AI researchers and developers to share code, datasets, and models, accelerating progress in the field and enabling collaborative problem-solving on a global scale.

What's the significance of AI projects being open source?

Open source AI projects increase transparency, allow for peer review of algorithms, and democratize access to cutting-edge AI technologies, potentially leading to faster advancements and wider adoption.

How can I start learning about AI and open source?

You can begin by exploring popular open source AI projects, reading documentation, and following tutorials. Many platforms offer free courses on AI and open source development.

Why should I care about the open source AI community if I'm not a developer?

Even if you're not a developer, the open source AI community drives innovation that affects various aspects of daily life, from smartphone features to healthcare advancements. Understanding these trends can help you stay informed about technological progress.